Tons of links to free curriculum, divided up by subject category.
EasyFunSchool -Over 1500 pages of free curriculum activities, literature-based unit studies, recipes, crafts.
Hands-On Learning
Using Legos to learn Lapbooks
Mathematics Enrichment Programme (MEP)-British Math Program, but many people in the U.S. use the program successfully. There is even a support group for homeschoolers using the MEP math program. I love that the program is all in .pdf format so that I can easily print off materials. Free is definitely worth looking into!
Unit Studies
Mathematics Enrichment Programme (MEP)-British Math Program, but many people in the U.S. use the program successfully. There is even a support group for homeschoolers using the MEP math program. I love that the program is all in .pdf format so that I can easily print off materials. Free is definitely worth looking into!
Worksheets This has worksheets for all levels of Math and Language Arts. (There are some sponsored sites at the top that you would need to pay for, just scroll down a bit to find all the free worksheets).
Unit Studies
During this unit, students "visit" several countries around the world and learn about how winter holidays are celebrated there.